BOTANICAL: Lavandula angustifolia
A pure essential oil distilled from the flowers of the Tasmanian cultivated true French fine fragrance Lavandula angustifolia.
Fresh sweet floral-herbaceous, slightly woody.
Steam distilled from the freshly cut mature flowers of the plant Lavandula angustifolia P.Miller.
Fragrance, aromatherapy, complementary medicines, flavour, personal care.
Tasmanian Lavender Oil
Our Tasmanian Lavender Oil is available for wholesale from 100 grams or you can purchase a sample from our shop.
Possibly the world’s most universally used essential oil, Lavender has a distinct, beautifully floral aroma unlike any other.
Lavender is also perhaps the matriarch of the essential oil industry in Tasmania. Brought to our shores in early 1900s, EOT’s current crops were originally cultivated from true French Lavender sourced from the Maritime Alps in Provence (which, funnily enough, enjoys a similar climate to ours).
With our long summer days and cool breezes blowing off the Southern Ocean at night, Tasmania’s climate and soil conditions are ideal for cultivating Lavender. We have worked closely with the University of Tasmania over many years to establish “Tasmanian Lavender” which is now recognised as its own distinctive sub-species.
We grow our Tasmanian Lavender at several locations around the state, including on site at Brookfield, south of Hobart, and have developed innovative agronomic, harvest and distillation techniques to deliver a consistent, aromatherapy grade oil of the highest quality.

EOT Lavender growing areas within Tasmania